Monday 17 May 2010

Deep embarrasment

Casandra and I thought it would be a good idea to take empty water bottles to the Angarawi (pre school group) this morning. We played at knocking them down with a ball and then hit on the idea of using them as musical instruments. One thing led to another and we ended up making a terrible din using them as drum sticks. The children loved it, unfortunately the government clerk who was working next door didn't, he came rushing in wearing his fine uniform and badges and shouted at us 'Shut up". Couldn't help having a good giggle!

The school rooms we work in are very dark, no lighting just a small window with a grill on it. On the floor there is an old mat and that's it. Consequently, we have to be very inventive with play equipment (that's my excuse and I am sticking to it). The children are a delight and love to play all the games the children play at home., 'Oranges and Lemons', 'London Bridge', 'Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes', etc., I am in my element.

The primary school room is darker still with just a concrete floor, that's it, it gets extremely hot in there. The pupils sit on the floor cross legged in front of us and if they don't pay attention Varun who stands at the back of the class to observe will give them a clip on the ear. Our English lessons are taken very seriously and the children are making great progress.

There are regular power cuts which don't seem to phase anyone, we just get the candles out. The women carry water on their heads in big pots from rivers and springs which flow into the village from the mountains and the maize which the farmer sowed five days ago is already green in the fields, it's amazing, it really is Shangrila.

All last night I heard strange noises outside my bedroom window and on getting up this morning found that Queen Elizabeth, the milk cow, had given birth to a calf. Evidently the farmer and his wife had played midwives all night and the cow was none too sure about motherhood, after a lot of coaxing Queen Elizabeth is now letting Nancy suckle. It was like being on the set of 'The Archers' when I went over in my jim jams this morning to congratulate the farmer and his wife on their new arrival.

1 comment:

  1. hi dear margaret are you being a naughty girl ?
